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Weekly Studies

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Weekly Studies

(This is an archive of our study on covenant. These messages cover the covenants God cut with Noah and Abraham. To save the audio message/s to your hard drive, right click on the link and click "Save Target As..")

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Week 07: Remembering The Covenant.

2. Audio

file 1 and file 2 and file 3

3. Notes

(.pdf) or (.doc) or (.rtf)

Week 08: The Resurrection Lesson

2. Audio

file 1 and file 2 and file 3

3. Notes

(.pdf) or (.doc) or (.rtf)

Week 09: God Saves Lot Because Of His (God's) Chesed

2. Audio - download

file 1 and file 2 and file 3

3. Notes

(.pdf) or (.doc) or (.rtf)

Week 10: Abraham and Abimilech

2. Audio - download

file 1 and file 2 and file 3

3. Notes

(.pdf) or (.doc) or (.rtf)

Week 11: Ishmael is Banished and Abraham and Abimelech Cut Covenant

2. Audio - download

file 1 and file 2 and file 3

3. Notes

(.pdf) or (.doc) or (.rtf)

Week 12: Abraham Offers Up Isaac # 1

2. Audio - download

file 1 and file 2 and file 3

3. Notes

(.pdf) or (.doc) or (.rtf)

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